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Peterborough City Council Budget Simulator 2023

Your target is to reduce spending by £5.1m to balance the budget.

You have balanced the budget.

Council tax
Council Tax

Adult social care
Commissioning - longer term care
Reablement and therapy
Community services - day opportunities, short breaks

Children’s and young people services
Education support services
Special educational needs and inclusion services
Social work and child protection services
Targeted Support – early help
Services for looked after children - fostering and adoption
Home to school transport

Public health
Public Health

Cleansing, waste and recycling
Waste and recycling
City Cleaning

Regeneration and employment
Growing the city
Transport and roads
Housing Needs

Communities and safety
Community safety and neighbourhood services
Licensing and public protection
Community engagement and cohesion

Customer relations
Customer services

Parks and leisure
Parks, trees and open spaces
Culture and leisure services
City centre and events

Constitutional and democratic services
IT and digital services
Finance, Internal Audit, HR, Communications, Legal and other support services
Property, procurement, commercial, health and safety